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Our classes

We are dedicated to give you the highest quality of teaching, in terms of sharing knowledge, improving inaccuracy and enjoyment. We do not care about talent or dance experience, nor about age or shape, and try to divide our time equally amongst everybody. We are more than happy to feel your involvement and commitment, and to welcome you in the world of argentine tango.

Our classes

Tango group classes

We offer group classes every week from Sunday to Wednesday, starting at 6:15pm, to learn to dance socially.


We use the Factory method, meaning that every month, we start a new topic. Therefore, it's usually best if you join at the start of the month. But feel free to contact us for special demands. 


The classes have a maximum of 10 couples and we always make sure they are role balanced. Therefor, if you would like to come alone, please write to us beforehand (1 or 2 days in advance) so we can try and find you a partner.

Note that if you come spontaneously, you might not be able to join the class. 


If you never tried tango, we suggest you to join one of our intensive complete beginner week-end courses (see below).


From January the 5th
- Open Level class: Sunday 18.00-19.15

- Level 1: less than 6 months tango experience:  Wednesday 18.15-19.30

- Level 2: From 1 year tango experience:  Wednesday 19.30-20.45

- Level 3: more than 2 years tango experience: Monday 18.15-19.30
- Level 4: more than 3 years tango experience:  Tuesday 18.15-19.30

Whole year schedule:

- 1st semester: 09.09.2019 - 19.12.2019

- 2nd semester: 06.01.2020 - 28.05.2020

- Summer classes: 01.06.2020 - 30.06.2020

- Summer break: 01.07.2020 - 05.09.2020

Lunch Tango

Tangót ebédre?!? Miert ne!
Szakadj ki a mókuskerékbÅ‘l és frissítsd fel magad egy kis tangóval nap közepén.
Ezeken a speciális 50 perces órákon könnyen emészthetÅ‘ tangó feladatokkal várunk, melyekkel 
feldobhatod magad és a tangó tudásodat is. Csupán egy ebédmenü áráért..
(Az óra alkalmanként fizetendÅ‘ 1.300 Ft/fÅ‘)
Ebédelni is jobb társaságban, a tangóhoz is legalább két táncos kell - ezért ha jobb ha partnert is hívsz magaddal, de ha csak egyedül jönnél, akkor is szívesen látunk. 


When? From January 5th, Wednesday 12.10-13.00

Lunch Tango

Students tango

Támogatjuk a fiatalokat! Bérleteink árából 50% kedvezményt kapsz, ha diák vagy.
De ezen túlmenÅ‘en egy speciális órával is szeretnénk kedvezni a fiataloknak. ElsÅ‘sorban középiskolásoknak, egyetemistáknak.
Keddenként, már délután 4-tÅ‘l nyitva áll elÅ‘ttetek a Factory. Az órán pedig kifejezetten fiatalos hangulatban és tempóban haladunk. Gyere Te is és tapasztald meg, hogy a tangó nem csak a nagyik tánca!
Alsó korhatár: 15 év. 
Ár: 1.000 Ft/alkalom, vagy bérlettel.


When? From January 5th, Tuesday 16.15-17.45

Students tango

Factory Brigad

Shine with us, be a part of the Factory Brigad!

Share your love of the dance with an audience, let them see how it moves you and its meaning to you. 
It's an exciting and uplifting experience.


The Brigad experience takes place over each season:
- September-December
- January-June


Each season is concluded by a performance at the biggest local milonga of Budapest: the Saturday night milonga at Höldgyválasz Dance Studio. 

When?    From January 5th, Monday 19.30-20.45

Factory Brigad

Factory Queer Tango

Every Tuesday night, we create an open space to let you explore the role you want, regardless of your gender. 


Why  the term "queer"?

The environment we would like to create is one of kindness and openness. We want everybody to feel at home in our place. Although we are not queer people in the sexual meaning of it, we would like to declare that everybody is welcome and wanted. This is true for any of our classes but if you don't yet feel comfortable joining any one of them, then the Queer Tango is for you.

We do not want to segregate but rather say that "different", "non-mainstream" very much corresponds to the Factory vision. Furthermore, those classes will be even more dedicated to role changes than any of our other courses. 


The class is an open level class, which means you can join at any time. Do let us know beforehand (1 or 2 days in advance) if you will be coming alone, so we can try and find you a partner.


When? From January 5th, Tuesday 19.30-20.45

Factory Queer

Dancer training

Compared to other dances, tango is not a dance that requires hard physical work to reach a satisfying level. If you invest some time and energy in regular tango group classes, you can feel comfortable enough with your own dancing.

However, if you want to go further and beyond, if your goal is to challenge yourself and develop your full potential, then you will need, first and foremost, a stronger, more competent body. 
Using techniques and exercises learned in her journey as a professional contemporary dancer, Marina Hoffman will propose a training such as one of an aspiring professional dancer. 

The class will be inspired by other disciplines (such as ballet, contemporary, bodyart, pilates, etc...), always in a tight relationship to tango. 
It will be divided in 3 parts:
- Warm-up
- Physical training

- Stretching

This class is meant for everyone, regardless of level. The only condition is to be willing to work hard and enjoy it!
It is highly recommended to attend the class on a regular basis.

The Tango Factory prices apply here as well.


When?  From September 2020

Dancer training

Private Lessons

Private classes are suitable for people with irregular schedules, who feel they have stopped growing or want a deeper and faster improvement. 

A private class is not a tango ego massage. It is designed to spot mistakes and eliminate them. We always first work on the basics and only once those have reached a satisfying level do we move on to more complicated figures. We expect hard work and commitment from our students, all in an enjoyable environment. As everybody is different, each classes are specifically built and adapted to the person's capabilities. 


You can come alone or with your partner, with one or two teachers. 
To book a class and ask for conditions, please contact us!


When?  Just contact us via the contact form or our Facebook Page. We are quite flexible during the days and even the week-ends. 

Complete beginner week-end

"Jump into tango!"


If you never tried tango before, this intensive week-end seminars are made for you. We organize them regularly, once every 1-2 months.  
Tango is a sophisticated dance. We can't promise that you will learn it in two days, but we do promise to give you enough information and fun, so you know at the end of the week-end if tango is right for you.

The courses are on Saturday and Sunday at 11am - 2pm or 3pm - 6pm.

The price of the 6 hours seminar is 8.000 Huf/person or 12.000 Huf/couple.

To register, please send an email to our e-mail address, by clicking on the button below.

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